Tohoku Relief Project
In March 11, 2011, catastrophic event occurred in Tohoku, Japan. Tohoku was damaged by earthquake and tsunami. To overcome this event, Rabbi Eddery went to Tohoku immediately, and started Tohoku Relief Project including the start of Relief Fund and Yakiimo Project. Here are some report of Rabbi in Tohoku.
This week Rabbi Edery went to back to Sendai, together with Mutoh san and other volunteers to help the refugees. The trip itself takes 10 hours as there is no highway now. The situation is very difficult and devastating. Hundreds of thousands of people are sleeping on the floor in huge auditoriums of city halls, including elderly people, women, children. The Relief agencies are struggling to cope with the demand for vital aid packages as their delivery trucks are stranded not far from their bases due to a lack of fuel. The local supermarkets are either destroyed or depleted with no resupply in the foreseeable future.
He brought truckloads of basic food and necessities, rice, beans, soymilk, water, vegetables, undergarments, sweaters, blankets, diapers, wipes, toilet paper and art supplies for children. The refugees had tears in their eyes and were so moved that a Jewish Rabbi cared so much about them, when even Japanese are afraid to go. They did not stop thanking him.
Right: Inquiring into needs of the local residents to bring back supplies on next go-around
Muto san and Rabbi Edery also went from house to house in the area that did not get swept up by the tsunami, to check what is needed, as they are not in the shelters and there is nowhere that they can even by rice or basic necessities. Some need medical care, but there is no formal list which people need what in the people that are not in the shelters.
Today Rabbi Edery is filling up canisters of gasoline as there are no gasoline stations in the whole area, which is needed most at this time. He hopes to be back after Purim. The main base is Muto san’s parent’s home in Sendai, it was not destroyed, that is where all the food boxes are being stored until distribution. There are 2 families that Rabbi Edery and Muto san brought there to sleep.
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