JETRO promotes Kosher Japan Sake
JETRO is a government-related organization that works to promote mutual trade and investment between Japan and the rest of the world.
The organization came to the realization that Kosher Supervision on Japanese products would greatly boost the export and sales overseas. They realized this after seeing the great success Dassai Sake met with after obtaining kosher supervision of Rabbi Edery namely Kosher Japan. JETRO flew to the US to see how the Kosher Japan Dassai Sake is sold in stores. They also came to the factory to see firsthand how the supervision is conducted.
This week JETRO’s report, encouraging Japanese companies to get Kosher Supervision aired on TV. To see it in Japanese, please click here.
In the picture above: Sakurai san, head manager of Dassai, Muto san, head manager of Kosher Japan, and Rabbi Edery stand in front of the Dassai Sake factory in Yamaguchi.