Passover Preparations 2013 at Chabad of Japan

Pesach preparations are in high gear. Handmade Shemura Matzos shipment arrived and was delivered to Chabad Japan. Special thanks to the generous donors of the Matzos. Passover is an expensive holiday world over, especially in Japan, after shipment, custom clearance, tax and duty, they are worth GOLD! Shmura Matza in Zohar is referred to as Matza of Faith and Matza of healing. By eating these Matzot on Passover it brings faith and healing both physically and spiritually to those that eat.

People who live far out in Japan, receive Pesach Products Packages filled with Matza, wine, grapejuice, Passover cookies and other necessary products. This makes them very happy and take part in the Passover Holiday.

Cases upon cases of wine and grape juice are loaded from Chabad Japan wine storage to the Chabad House ”Mitzvah Tank”. They are then unloaded at the Hotel Hall for the Passover Seder, and at Chabad House of Japan for the rest of the Passover Holiday.
May G-d bless all those that donated generously towards the Matzot, wine and all other Passover necessities.