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New Beautiful Frame

New Beautiful Frame

A big Thank you to Shaul Ben Dayan for the beautiful frame that he built for the Chabad House’s picture of the Rebbe. On the picture it says- Moshiach promises ”No Jew will be left in Exile”.
This is referring to the Messianic era, when G-d will gather the Jews from all corners of the world and bring them to the Holy Land. The owner of Shaul’s factory asked him about the Rebbe and what the wording meant on the picture. After Shaul explained about the Rebbe’s work and accomplishments to prepare the world for Moshiach, the Japanese owner was very moved and offered to pay for the wood and any materials necessary for the frame.
In the picture above, you can see Shaul on the right with the Japanese owner in the middle holding the Rebbe’s picture with Rabbi Edery.
To contact Shaul and to see his beautiful work, please

Shaul Ben Dayan

A big Thank you to Shaul Ben Dayan for the beautiful frame that he built for the Chabad House’s picture of the Rebbe. On the picture it says- Moshiach promises ”No Jew will be left in Exile”.

This is referring to the Messianic era, when G-d will gather the Jews from all corners of the world and bring them to the Holy Land. The owner of Shaul’s factory asked him about the Rebbe and what the wording meant on the picture. After Shaul explained about the Rebbe’s work and accomplishments to prepare the world for Moshiach, the Japanese owner was very moved and offered to pay for the wood and any materials necessary for the frame.

In the picture above, you can see Shaul on the right with the Japanese owner in the middle holding the Rebbe’s picture with Rabbi Edery.

To contact Shaul and to see his beautiful work, please Email: [email protected]

Shavuot and Milking Cows for Kosher Milk

Shavuot and Milking Cows for Kosher Milk

Shavuot Milk
It was great to see the wonderful guests who participated in the Shavuot Holiday. On Sunday before Shavuot, Rabbi Edery together with the Chabad House kids went to milk cows. Kosher milk means that the milk is from a kosher animal, and was supervised from the beginning of the milking process, that no non-kosher milk was mixed in. In New Zealand for example, it is not uncommon that ”dig” milk is mixed into cow milk, as it adds to the longevity of the milk and to the taste as well.
The area that the Rabbi goes to milk is called ”Moriya”, like Mt.Moriah in Jerusalem where the Temple was built. It is a 2 hour drive each way. Around 40 liters are bought, then the pasteurizing process starts, back in the Chabad House in Tokyo. The milk is boiled and bottled, some frozen for later use. Now the milk can be used. For Shavuot we made blintzes, hot cocoa and other dairy foods as is customary.
Chabad Asia Conference in Delhi, India

Chabad Asia Conference in Delhi, India

Head Rabbi India

Emissaries Delhi

We welcome Rabbi Binyomin Edery back from his trip to Delhi, India for the Asia Chabad Emissary Conference. Among the participants was the Head Rabbi and Head Emissary of India, Rabbi Bezalel Kupchik. The main emphasis and topic of the conference was how to add in deeds of goodness and kindness in each Rabbi’s city, making each city ready to greet Moshiach. A special thank you to Chabad House of Delhi, the emissary of Delhi, Rabbi Shmuel Sharf, hosted all of the Rabbis with warmth and great happiness. The Rabbis, who came from all over India, Sri Lanka, Philipines, came away with good resolutions, which will surely impact many people for the good.
During Rabbi Edery’s stay he visited prisoners in the Delhi jail, asking about their welfare and helping in every way. There are 14,000 inmates, 70 inmates to a room. He also visited an orphanage in Delhi. May we merit the time when all negativity will be erased from this earth, with the coming of Moshiach now. As the prophet Isiah says: ” G-d will swallow death forever, and wipe away tears from all faces”.

Kosher Sushi at its Best!

Kosher Sushi at its Best!

Chabad_Tokyo sushi platter

Now that Pesach is over, Chabad of Tokyo Japan continues to offer its kosher food services. King Falafel will reopen this coming Monday, April 19. Kosher Delica delivery service has started since last week, to deliver delicious food to hotels, offices to any address, anywhere in Japan. (No international shipments yet) Kobayashi san works hard at his sushi creations. They look just beautiful and taste great! It takes around 6 years to be a professional Sushi chef, here in Japan. Thank you Koba.
For Kosher Food in Japan, click here

Pesach in the Land of The Rising Sun 5770

Pesach in the Land of The Rising Sun 5770


PesachSeder ChabadTokyo

It was wonderful to see so many people at the Seders. Down to the very last minute, people were emailing and calling. The Seder hall was packed, more and more people kept on coming in and joining. There were around 200 people at the end there was hardly room to sit. There was plenty of great food, Handmade Shemura matza to eat and take home. Thanks to the helpers and volunteers, the Seder was well organized ,thank G-d. There was a very warm, and family atmosphere. A special unity was felt among all the people participating. A huge thank you to Rabbi Edery for all his tireless efforts and constant devotion to make this Holiday a fantastic success, with the help of G-d. Definitely, next year we will celebrate next Pesach Seder in the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem.
Special thank you, to Rabbi Meir Abitan for all his help in making the Pesach Seders here in Japan, and all year round.