Chabad tokyo japan Blog חדשות מבית חב״ד טוקיו יפן

7th anniversary of Chabad Kyoto! Please join our charity campaign to increase the light in the western part of Japan!

7th anniversary of Chabad Kyoto! Please join our charity campaign to increase the light in the western part of Japan!

This Shabbat Ekev we celebrate the 7th anniversary of Chabad Kyoto.It is the first and only Jewish synagogue in Kyoto. Chabad Kyoto has been super active providing many services to local Jews and Japanese people, and for the many tourists that come throughout the year. Thousands of guests have participated in Shabbat prayers and meals, joyous festivals and events, Bar Mitzvahs, Weddings, Chanuka and Purim parties, and many community celebrations. Chabad Kyoto organize fun and educational activities for kids and…

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Mikveh Onsen Chabad Tokyo

Mikveh Onsen Chabad Tokyo

We would like to share amazing news: This week we started to build our Mikveh onsen. The large property that we bought this Chanuka, has a beautiful Japanese garden with over 70 trees! Part of the garden we are using to build a Japanese style mikveh. A mikveh is a special type of bath made of naturally occurring water, such as a spring or rainwater. It is a Jewish practice and dates back to ancient times. Immersion in the mikvah…

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Accepting The Torah In a Desert

Accepting The Torah In a Desert

Reprinted with permission from an article written by Rabbi Bernstein Moshe for all, including non-Jews. This issue is about this week’s Parashah, Yitro. In this Torah portion, Yitro, we read about the revelation on Mt. Sinai. Mt. Sinai is situated in a desert. The desert has no owner. By giving the Torah in the desert, G‑d showed that everyone regardless of what he has can accept the Torah. The Jewish people accepted the 613 commandments while the 7 Noahide commandments…

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Let us pray

Let us pray

BH I am very shocked to hear the news of the attack on former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and I am very concerned that such an evil event should take place. The Chief Rabbi of Japan, Rabbi Binyomin Y. Edery, calls on all.Let us all pray for the safety and recovery of the life of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The Creator commands mankind as the Law of Noah.Do not commit murder.Not only physical murder or injury.Mental harm, insults, etc….

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Celebrating Chabad of Japan 22nd anniversary

Celebrating Chabad of Japan 22nd anniversary

This Hanukkah eve, 22 years ago, Rabbi Edery and his wife Efrat landed in Narita airport with 40,000 Yen, in their pockets. The miracles of Hanukkah in Japan started from then. They established the first Chabad House in Japan, organizing programs, classes, kosher slaughtering, Jewish Holidays, events, and relief for people in need. 22 years of spreading light and acts of goodness and kindness to every human being. In 2015, they established Chabad of Kyoto.  This Hanukkah was an incredible…

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