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The Origin of the First Conflict

The Origin of the First Conflict

In our Torah portion, Genesis, the most important Divine laws of human existence can be found. “And the Lord G-d commanded the man to say, of every tree of the garden you may eat” (Genesis 2:16). This verse is the basis for 6 out of 7 Noahide commands, it includes these laws in summary. These were the commandments given to Adam in the Garden of Eden:

The rejection of the worship of celestial objects or idols.

Prohibition of cursing God’s name or blaspheming it.

Establishing courts of justice.

Not to murder: It emphasizes the sanctity of human life and aligns with the Noahide Law of prohibiting murder.

To maintain morality. Clinging to the sanctity of marriage between male and female.

Not to steal.

After 10 generations the seventh law was given to Noah, not to eat a limb from a living animal.

In the very first Torah portion, when the world is only a few days old, we read that Abel is murdered by his very own brother, Cain. Abel was a shepherd and Cain was a farmer. Cain brought an offering to G‑d from the fruit of his harvest, and Abel brought from his firstborn sheep. G‑d accepted the offering of Abel, but not that of Cain. Cain was upset. And then, all of a sudden, Cain met Abel in the field and killed him, out of jealousy.
This act of murder is a clear violation of the moral principle that prohibits the taking of another person’s life, which is a central tenet in the Seven Noahide Laws that are binding on all of humanity.

While the story is ancient, it is still actual and its lessons continue to resonate with people in various aspects of contemporary life, reminding us of the enduring importance of values such as the sanctity of human life. In our modern world, respect for human life and the rejection of violence continue to be essential principles. Issues related to violence, and war highlight the ongoing importance of the 7 Noahide laws in the global context.

The story demonstrates the importance of justice and accountability. After murdering Abel, Cain is held accountable for his actions and he was punished. In contemporary societies, principles of justice, and accountability for crimes are fundamental to a just society that cannot stand aside while crimes against humanity happen. One of the lessons learned is that the nations of the world should not sit on the sidelines and they must act and condemn horrific terror acts. This is their duty according to the 7 Noahide laws that were given by G-d on Mt. Sinai.

The soul of Moshiach is one of the first things in existence and the loftiest. Its creation preceded all other aspects of creation. As our sages say, in the second verse of Genesis, “And the earth was null and void, and a spirit of G-d hovered over the face of the water,” “The spirit of G-d: this is the soul of Moshiach.” We are waiting for King Moshiach to be revealed. Only with complete Redemption, when all of creation will be elevated, an eternal just, and peaceful world would be found.

*This is from a series of articles by Rabbi Bernstein Moshe.

Internalizing G-dliness

Internalizing G-dliness

The seven days of Sukkot are celebrated in the Tabernacle, and after the Simcha comes the last holiday, Simchat Torah. This holiday expresses our belief in the presence and the unity of G-d. After the high holidays comes the peak time of joy and happiness. Simchat Torah is related strongly to the verse in Deuteronomy 4:35: “You have been shown, in order to know that the Lord He is G-d; there is none else besides Him”.

The purpose of this manifestation is to instill knowledge and faith in the hearts. It is meant to strengthen the belief in G-d and the commitment to following His commandments.

Belief in the unity of G-d does not mean only the denial of false gods but rather that G-d is the only true reality and that apart from Him there is no reality – “there is no other besides Him”, and everything that seems to be apart from him, is not a real reality. The reason for this lies in the fact that the existence of reality is due to the power of G-d’s generating it at every moment and if the power of creation stops for a moment it would return to nothingness and zero as before creation.

The Seven Noahide Laws, which are derived from the Torah and apply to all of humanity, include not only the prohibition against idolatry (which encompasses a rejection of multiple deities) but also the positive affirmation and the internalization that there is nothing besides Him. Therefore, Gentiles are obligated to believe in the unity of G-d as part of their adherence to the 7 Noahide Laws.

On this holiday we can feel the reality of the Messianic era where G-dliness will be felt in the creation and the word of G-d will be the most obvious thing. Noahides are expected to play their key role in hastening redemption by strictly clinging to the fulfillment of the seven Noahide laws by not adding or subtracting any detail.

*This is from a series of articles by Rabbi Bernstein Moshe

Studying Marriage laws for Noahides

Studying Marriage laws for Noahides

“It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make a fitting helper for him.” (Genesis 2:18) The verse is spoken by G-d, and it highlights the need for marital partnership for life. This verse is part of the creation narrative in the book of Genesis, describing the origin of humanity and the creation of the first human, Adam. The verse reflects G-d’s design for humanity and involves connection and relationships between a male and female as they were created by G-d. This is an essential theme within the Noahide code.

The institution of marriage has undoubtedly undergone some pressure due to various trends in Western society. This has challenged the traditional nuclear family model often associated with marriage. But despite this, we see a strengthening in the traditional concept of marriage. Non-traditional family structures, such as single-parent families and families with same-sex couples, have proven to be unstable and most importantly they are against the command of G-d in the 7 Noahide laws.

This might begin by reinforcing the importance of the Noahide laws as a foundation for marital proper behavior. It would emphasize that seeking a partner who also values these principles can contribute to a strong and lasting marriage. The family and community play a role in Noahide relationships. An individual or a community leader should learn about the significance of pre-marital counseling or education to address potential challenges, align expectations, and establish a solid foundation for marriage.

How does this issue of marriage apply to modern-day Noahides?
The prohibition against adultery is considered one of the seven Noahide laws, as it falls under the broader category of maintaining moral behavior. Therefore, Noahides are expected to study and be aware of all the details of this issue as part of the Noahide laws.
These prohibitions against adultery and the severe penalties associated with them highlight the importance of maintaining the sanctity of marriage and fidelity within the family. The Torah places a strong emphasis on moral behavior, and these laws are intended to guide in living righteous lives according to G-d’s as expressed by the 7 Noahide commandments.

*This is from a series of articles by Rabbi Bernstein Moshe.

Are Noahides Allowed to Sit in the Sukkah?

Are Noahides Allowed to Sit in the Sukkah?

The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) is a significant Jewish festival that signifies the support of the Divine Providence. Among the last prophets, Zechariah’s prophecies often revolve around the era of Moshiach and the events that will happen in the festival of Sukkot.

This prophecy is brought in Zechariah 14:16-17: “Then everyone who is left of all the nations that came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King… and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.” Traditionally, the Feast of Tabernacles is a Jewish festival. However, the prophecy says that in the Messianic era, all nations will bring burnt offerings to the Third Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

Presently, Noahides individuals are not obliged to observe the commandment of dwelling in the Sukkah. This festival is not a religious obligation for them, as they are prohibited from creating a new religion apart from the Seven Noahide Laws. Although nowadays non-Jews are not bound by this commandment, should they choose to sit in the Sukkah for the sake of reward, they may do so, but not as a religious commandant. (The divine code chapter 3:3)

The prophecy of Zachariah says that nations that have repented from their past ways will converge on Jerusalem each year during Sukkot to worship G-d and partake in the celebration of this holiday. Those nations that heed this call and come to Jerusalem will be blessed with abundant rainfall, ensuring the fertility of their crops. Conversely, those who neglect this order will experience a lack of rain, impacting their fields.

In this vision of the future, nations put aside their conflicts to unite in worship and celebration of the holiday of Sukkot. It brings a future of global peace, unity, and spiritual harmony, this can only be realized under the guidance of King Moshiach. At its core, this prophecy is setting the stage for huge revelations of the coming redemption.

*This is from a series of articles by Rabbi Bernstein Moshe.

Rosh Hashanah- Returning to the Source of Creation

Rosh Hashanah- Returning to the Source of Creation

This is from a series of articles by Rabbi Bernstein Moshe. This time, the topic is about Rosh Hashana, starting this Friday evening.

Rosh Hashanah- Returning to the Source of Creation

In Rosh Hashanah, all the life energy of the entire universe undergoes a big reset and renewal, a new light that has never been before in the world, comes down after Israel blows on the shofar. On this day, God completed all the acts of Genesis, for six days. On the sixth day, creation was completed with the creation of the first man, and that day was Rosh Hashanah. Just as the human head activates the entire body, so on Rosh Hashanah everything that will happen during the year is determined.
It is also the anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve. Right after their creation on the first Rosh Hashanah, they were commanded to observe six laws. These are the six laws that Adam was commanded:

Idolatry: Not to worship idols.

Blasphemy: This law prohibits dishonoring the name of G-d.

Murder: Not taking human life.

Theft: Not stealing another person’s property.

Adultery and incest: To avoid immoral behavior.

The establishment of a legal system.

The seventh law was given to Noah after the flood: Not eating the flesh of a living animal.

In other words, the seven laws include:

  1. Knowledge of the Oneness of G-d. To learn about the infinite divine unity of G-d
  2. To worship and respect G-d’s holy name.
  3. Respect the sanctity of human life.
  4. Respect the rules of the traditional family and live according to them.
  5. Respect others’ property.
  6. Respect all creatures.
  7. Establish a judicial system

Noahides are not allowed to observe Shabbat or Jewish holidays in the same halachic manner as Jews do. However, it is permitted for Gentiles to recite psalms, which apparently, could be beneficial in Rosh Hashanah.

The story of Adam primarily focuses on his role as the first human being in the Garden of Eden and right in the beginning he was given six out of seven commandments (Adam was not permitted to eat the flesh of animals). The purpose is to create a dwelling place for G-d. This is the role of our generation, to complete this mission and bring about redemption and the revelation of Moshiach by fulfilling the 7 Noahide laws.

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