Balak- Transforming Bad into Good

Balak- Transforming Bad into Good

Based on the proverb “The name of the wicked will rot,” the Sages advised against naming a child after an evil person to avoid perpetuating their name. This raises a significant question about our Parsha, which is named after the wicked Balak. Balak hated Israel more than any other enemy. How can a Torah portion be named after such a wicked person? Balak represents a disconnection from holiness, yet he was a great sage who understood the lineage of the…

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Why, in the Torah teachings, a Man is Influencer and a Woman is the receiver?

Why, in the Torah teachings, a Man is Influencer and a Woman is the receiver?

In Noahide’s teachings, the concepts of “influencer” and “receiver” are fundamental principles that describe the dynamics of spiritual and physical interactions in various realms of the physical and spiritual universe. These concepts are deeply rooted in the understanding of how divine energy flows and manifests in creation. InfluencerThe influencer is the one who gives, transmits, or imparts energy, knowledge, or blessings. In Kabbalistic terms, the influencer is often associated with the masculine principle, which is active, initiating, and outward-directed. The…

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Korach: Challenge the prophecy of Moses

Korach: Challenge the prophecy of Moses

The Torah portion of Korach provides a powerful lesson about the consequences of opposing divinely appointed leadership. Together with his supporters, Korach questions Moses and Aaron’s authority and attempts to take over their positions as leaders. This rebellion is not just a political maneuver but a fundamental challenge to the divine order and G‑d’s chosen leaders.Moses and Aaron’s leadership aimed to maintain unity and guide the people towards their divine mission. This story emphasizes the value of unity and the…

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Shlach-Full trust in the Prophet of the Generation

Shlach-Full trust in the Prophet of the Generation

In the Torah portion “Shlach,” we see a stark contrast between the Torah reading and the Haftarah, the prophetic reading. In the Torah portion, the spies sent by Moses return to the Israelites with a discouraging report, claiming that conquering the land of Israel is impossible due to the strength and number of its inhabitants. This report demoralizes the people of Israel. In contrast, the Haftarah- prophetic reading, describes the mission of two spies, Caleb and Joshua, who return with…

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The first ever Mikveh is now being built in Kyoto!

The first ever Mikveh is now being built in Kyoto!

The first ever Mikveh is now being built in Kyoto!Construction is underway! This week the pouring of concrete into the mikveh will be completed.The Mikveh will be used by the local Jewish community and the many visitors who come annually. Please help us complete the construction as soon as possible by contributing. Donate Chabad Tokyo,צדקה עבור חבד טוקיו יפן – Chabad Tokyo Japan (