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Chabad Japan CHANUKA and 10th Anniversary Celebration

Chabad Japan CHANUKA and 10th Anniversary Celebration

USA Ambassador in Japan_at Chabad Tokyo


We were honored to have the US Ambassador to Japan, Ambassador Roos and his wife Suzie and parents in law, join us for the Chanuka celebration. The Ambassdor is the first Jewish ambassador, lit the menorah, and was very happy to be part of such a warm and great community. His mother in law, Mrs. Herbst, who is a Holocaust survivor was very moved and explained that seeing such a huge crowd of people all celebrating Chanuka in Japan, is especially moving. The Greeks wanted to destroy the Jewishness in us, but we are still here, and celebrating strong.

Rabbi Shmuel Albukerk, from Tzivos Hashem children’s organization, in Brooklyn, N.Y. did a fantastic olive press show. The kids were fascinated, as well as the parents, to see the whole process from start to finish. Shmuel brought with him all the equipment, centrifuge, test tubes, press, and olives. Finally the children, lit from the actual oil that was produced. To top it all, the children built their own beautiful wooden Menorahs. They knocked, decorated and lacquered their Menorahs, and were truly a work of art. The younger children decorated wooden dreidels. Shmuel made a fabulous magic show with flying fire. 

 As one of our guests wrote:”Thank you for a wonderful 10th celebration Chanukah party. I am so grateful to be part of your lives this last decade through your lasting Chabad House presence. To mark this occasion last Sunday moved me deeply.”
A great big thank you to Kobayashi san who cooked such fantastic, gourmet food, and to the wonderful helpers who gave so much of their time to make this event such a success.
Shirit Stern, Jason Yang, Bernie McLeish, Hitomi Nakamura and Hazuki.
Throughout Chanuka, Rabbi Edery traveled with the Chanuka mobile spreading the light and happiness of the festival to many people, and lighting Public Menorahs in central Tokyo.

Minyan and BBQ At Chabad Tokyo

Minyan and BBQ At Chabad Tokyo



This week we had a big minyan for Avi’s father, Rabbi Nissim ben Shlomo.
Kaddish was said, we learned Torah in his merit, and had a big BBQ and ”Mitzvah Meal” in his memory. We are sure that very soon, we will merit to see Rabbi Nissim in person, with the coming of Moshiach and the Ressurection of the Dead. May it be now!

Pinchas Eliyahu’s first visit to the Cheder

Pinchas Eliyahu’s first visit to the Cheder

Last week, Rabbi Binyomin Edery took Chaya Mushka and Pinchas to N.Y, for Pinchas Eliyahu’s first Cheder visit. It was very special and moving occasion.
The children were pleasantly surprised to see so many Jewish people and so much kosher food.
Hachnasa Lacheder, is the first day that the father brings his son to study Torah at the Cheder- Jewish school.
It is a very holy and special tradition that was done more that two thousand years ago, and brought down in holy books by many Tzadikim, holy people.
On this day, the father wraps the child in a Talit, prayer shawl, and brings him to the Melamed- school teacher. The teacher puts the boy on his lap, puts honey on the Aleph Bet, and goes through all the Hebrew letters and vowels. Then the boy licks the honey,  to tastel how the learning of Torah is so sweet.
Honey cake is then brought and an egg, with verses from the Torah inscribed on them, and the child eats them. Candies are thrown, and refreshments are given out to the children of the class. Coins are distributed and the children put them in a Charity box.
The whole day, the parents are careful that the child should not look at unholy things. When he leaves the Cheder, he is also covered with the prayer shawl.
This practice has a very strong impact on the young child. The sages write that one who follows this tradition causes an openness of heart for the learning of the Torah in the child.
The Rockin Chabad Japan Rabbi

The Rockin Chabad Japan Rabbi



Typhoon here, typhoon there, Succa Mobile is everywhere!
This week, Rabbi Binyomin Edery drove all around with the Succa Mobile, Shibuya, Ueno, Shinjuku, Setagaya, Chiba, and even as far as Shizuoka, Hamamatsu, Nagoya and Gifu, around 6 hours from Tokyo, one way. The Succa Mobile was at King Falafel for all the Jewish people stopping by.
It’s good Japan is surrounded by water, otherwise, the Rabbi would be driving from country to country conquering Asia with his Mitzvha Tank- Succa Mobile and spiritual weapons, sword- Lulav, hand grenade- Etrog, myrtle and willow as spears.
One thing is for sure, a lot of darkness was dispelled from the Land of the Rising Sun during this Sukkot Holiday.
Even the Japanese couldn’t resist the charming restaurant-hut on wheels with the smiling bearded ”Sacho”.
The people who came in to the Succa were extremely moved, and gladly brought their children to make a blessing as well. As one woman, living in Japan for 15 years put it: there is a feeling of serenity and holiness that you feel when you sit in a sukka, that you cannot describe it in words. I am so happy my 5 children had a chance to experience it even so far out here in Japan! I greatly appreciate this great mitzvah”.
Top picture, Rabbi Binyomin with Avi from Nagoya
Middle picture, Moshiach and Zalman with thier friend Eden from Tokyo
Bottom picture, Livermore Family from Gifu

The Japan Times about Chabad of Japan

The Japan Times about Chabad of Japan



This past weekend, The Japan Times, featured a fantastic article written by Daniel Robson, about the Chabad House. It describes many of the activities and acts of kindness that Chabad House does on an ongoing basis, and gives some historical background as we are nearing our 10th anniversary in Japan.
We got a lot of great feedback from many different people.

Thank you Daniel, for the wonderful job you did.

To read the full article, click here