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Day: December 22, 2014

Unforgettable Chanuka Cruise with Chabad Japan

Unforgettable Chanuka Cruise with Chabad Japan

Menorah Roof

Chanuka at Chabad Japan was celebrated in a unique and uprecedented way.
This past Sunday about one hundred guests joined the Chanuka Cruise which was a huge success.
Rabbi Edery and Chabad Japan staff mounted a large menorah on the roof of the cruise ship.
During the boat ride all the guests joined the menorah lighting on the roof, which lit up the whole ocean. The singing and dancing which followed was uplifting and immensely joyous.
“A little light pushes away a lot of darkness” is exactly what everyone experienced.

Then a festive meal followed as everyone went down to the hall of the ship which had beautiful seating arrangements. Chanuka obentos were enjoyed as well as doughnuts and other chanuka delicacies.
The children recited the twelve Torah passages and sang Chanuka holiday songs, as everyone joined along.
The atmosphere was great, the feeling of family and Chanuka permeated through everyone.
All the guests expressed how moved they were celebrating Chanuka and the fifteenth anniversary of Chabad Japan in such a meaningful and enjoyable way. Lighting the Chanuka Menorah and seeing the ligths of Rainbow bridge in the background with the singing and dancing of all the guests was truly an unforgettable and fabulous experience.

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