Chabad tokyo japan Blog חדשות מבית חב״ד טוקיו יפן

Dr. Yakov Yuroh Teshima Lecture General Introduction to Jewish Thinking

Dr. Yakov Yuroh Teshima Lecture General Introduction to Jewish Thinking

「ユダヤ人の知恵に学ぶ」 GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO JEWISH THINKING 2015年11月24日 19:00〜21:00、 於・東京大森、ハバッド・ハウス。会費: \3,000. 講師: 手島佑郎 先生 ギルボア研究所 代表 ヘブライ学博士 1。 はじめに: 私とユダヤ人  My relationship with the Jewish people 2。 ユダヤ人とは? Who is a Jew? ロスチャイルド、ドラッカー、グリンスパン、アンディ・グローブ、スピルバーグ、ザルツバーガー、 マーク・ザッカーバーグ、チャプリン、マリリン・モンロー、プレスリー、バブラ・ストライザンド、 ラルフ・ローレン、エスティー・ローダー、ヘレナ・ルービンスタイン、その他 3。 ABCと休日、 Alphabet and Holidays, 4。 ユダヤ人の教育  Jewish education 5。 立体的理解/多角的着眼  Diversified understanding / Multiple approaches 6。 ビジネスへの発想:起業家ロスチャイルド、 マーケティング学のレビット Mayer Anschel Rothschild、   Theodore Levitt 7。 本物志向のカシュルート精神  Authenticity in terms of Kosher 8。 デビアスに風穴をあけたダイヤ商レビエヴ  Lev Leviev and his audacity 9。 零細企業から大成長するユダヤの起業家たち Entrepreneurs and their big achievement

Sukkot and Simchat Torah with Chabad Japan 2015

Sukkot and Simchat Torah with Chabad Japan 2015

    You are welcome to joining us for Sukkot and Simchat Torah. First days of Sukkot. Sunday evening, September 27 services at 6:30 pm, followed by festive meal in the Sukka. Monday, September 28, morning services at 10 am, followed by lunch in the Sukka at noon. Evening services at 6:30 pm followed by festive meal in the Sukka Tuesday, September 29, morning services at 10 am followed by lunch in the Sukka.    During the intermediate days of…

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Rabbi Binyomin Yehezkel Edery appointed as Chief Rabbi of Japan by Chief Rabbinate of Israel and acknowledged by Japanese Government

Rabbi Binyomin Yehezkel Edery appointed as Chief Rabbi of Japan by Chief Rabbinate of Israel and acknowledged by Japanese Government

    His Past, Present and Future. In 1999, Rabbi Edery came to Japan to establish the first Chabad House in Japan. Since then he has been devoting himself to help people regardless of their creed, color or ethnic background. He dedicates himself to strengthen Jewish people who live in Japan and those who come temporarily. At the same time he teaches and spreads the Seven Noahide Laws among non-Jewish people as it is written in the Torah. All his…

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Yom Kippur 2015 – 5776 with Chabad Japan

Yom Kippur 2015 – 5776 with Chabad Japan

Join us this Yom Kippur, Tuesday evening, September 22 Meal before the fast begins at 2:30 pm Fast begins at 5:21 pm Kol Nidrei begins at 5:45 pm Yom Kippur morning services (Sep. 23) begin at 10:00 am Fast ends at 6:16 Break the fast meal immediately following Havdallah at 6:16 pm. All Yom Kippur services and meals at Chabad House Welcome! Please RSVP [email protected] May you be inscribed and sealed in the book of life