Chabad tokyo japan Blog חדשות מבית חב״ד טוקיו יפן

The Shelter for Safety: The Seven Noahide Laws

The Shelter for Safety: The Seven Noahide Laws

The Seven Noahide Laws provide a source of guidance and relief in times of anxiety. In times of anxiety, it is typical to seek solace in faith and spirituality. The 7 Noahide laws have been given by G-d to Noah after the flood. These laws are the foundation of human civilization. While the 7 Noahide laws do not explicitly address anxiety, they can provide a framework for leading a meaningful and fulfilling life. This means acknowledging the existence of G-d…

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The Origin of the First Conflict

The Origin of the First Conflict

In our Torah portion, Genesis, the most important Divine laws of human existence can be found. “And the Lord G-d commanded the man to say, of every tree of the garden you may eat” (Genesis 2:16). This verse is the basis for 6 out of 7 Noahide commands, it includes these laws in summary. These were the commandments given to Adam in the Garden of Eden: The rejection of the worship of celestial objects or idols. Prohibition of cursing God’s…

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Internalizing G-dliness

Internalizing G-dliness

The seven days of Sukkot are celebrated in the Tabernacle, and after the Simcha comes the last holiday, Simchat Torah. This holiday expresses our belief in the presence and the unity of G-d. After the high holidays comes the peak time of joy and happiness. Simchat Torah is related strongly to the verse in Deuteronomy 4:35: “You have been shown, in order to know that the Lord He is G-d; there is none else besides Him”. The purpose of this…

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Studying Marriage laws for Noahides

Studying Marriage laws for Noahides

“It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make a fitting helper for him.” (Genesis 2:18) The verse is spoken by G-d, and it highlights the need for marital partnership for life. This verse is part of the creation narrative in the book of Genesis, describing the origin of humanity and the creation of the first human, Adam. The verse reflects G-d’s design for humanity and involves connection and relationships between a male and female as…

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Are Noahides Allowed to Sit in the Sukkah?

Are Noahides Allowed to Sit in the Sukkah?

The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) is a significant Jewish festival that signifies the support of the Divine Providence. Among the last prophets, Zechariah’s prophecies often revolve around the era of Moshiach and the events that will happen in the festival of Sukkot. This prophecy is brought in Zechariah 14:16-17: “Then everyone who is left of all the nations that came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King… and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.”…

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