Chabad tokyo japan Blog חדשות מבית חב״ד טוקיו יפן

Behar-Acceptance of Ger Toshav

Behar-Acceptance of Ger Toshav

Our Torah portion brings a very special commandment that is also related to the children of Noah. The Yovel (Jubilee) is observed only at the time of the Holy Temple, and after seven cycles of Shemittah, which total 49 years (7 cycles of Shemitah x 7 years each = 49 years), the fiftieth year is called the jubilee year. This is also a year of rest for the land, but it holds additional significance. This year requires that the land…

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The 7 Universal Commandments and Free Choice

The 7 Universal Commandments and Free Choice

G-d created everything that exists, so He is therefore beyond all categories of existence and any description. Even terms such as “infinite,” and “eternal” cannot help us define Him truly. He created all the categories and logical rules, so He is beyond the limitations of these rules or being “infinite” or “eternal.” Despite His infinite oneness, He desired to have a dwelling place in the lower worlds where created human beings are not always aware of His presence. In order…

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Emor-The Prohibition of Blasphemy

Emor-The Prohibition of Blasphemy

Our Torah portion brings a story that is related to one of the essential Noahide commandments. The son of an Israelite woman, who was also the son of an Egyptian man, found himself in a conflict with an Israelite man within the camp. As a result, he got very angry and blasphemed the Divine Name. The Lord then gave Moses specific instructions: the one who had cursed was to be taken outside the camp. Finally, he was stoned to death….

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Accepting the Yoke of Heaven

Accepting the Yoke of Heaven

The concept of “G d desiring to have a dwelling place in the lower worlds” is a profound idea. During the giving of the Torah, G d allowed the lower and higher realms to connect. This enabled humanity to fulfill the purpose for which G d created the world: to create a dwelling place for Him in the physical realm through every human being that accepts the yoke of heaven. What does it mean to accept the yoke of heaven?…

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The Eighth Day of Pesach: The Feast of Moshiach

The Eighth Day of Pesach: The Feast of Moshiach

The eighth day of Pesach is traditionally associated with our hopes for the coming of Moshiach. About two hundred and fifty years ago, the Baal Shem Tov revealed that on that day a special divine light is revealed in the festive meal of Moshiach. The twelfth article of Rambam’s thirteen principles of faith is “I believe with perfect faith in the coming of Moshiach. Even if he delays, I will wait every day for him to come.” Though all believers…

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