Chabad tokyo japan Blog חדשות מבית חב״ד טוקיו יפן

The Three Weeks: Promise of Future Redemption

The Three Weeks: Promise of Future Redemption

The term Ariel, or lion, is associated with the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. The Temple’s design as a lion reflects its spiritual strength. It is a place of ultimate sanctity, and even though it is not built physically for the time being, its sanctity stands on its own. The similarity of the Temple with a lion, emphasizes its uncontrollable nature. No one can dominate a lion and turn it into a pet. This shows the divine presence and sanctity of…

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Why are there differing opinions in the Babylonian Talmud?

Why are there differing opinions in the Babylonian Talmud?

Firstly, there is no falsehood in the Gemara. The varying opinions, whether two or three, are all part of the Torah, which represents God’s will and wisdom. However, we typically follow only one of these opinions as the binding verdict. Generally, the majority opinion among the sages is the one that forms the basis of halacha (Jewish law). Even the opinions that are not accepted as halacha are still part of the Torah and, therefore, part of G-d’s wisdom. The…

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Pinchas: A Land distribution by Divine Order

Pinchas: A Land distribution by Divine Order

The portion of Pinchas provides a detailed account of how the Land of Israel was divided among the twelve tribes. This allocation, divinely ordained, underscores the profound connection between the Jewish people and their homeland-the land of Israel. The principles inherent in this division offer profound spiritual insights. The promise of the land to Israel symbolizes God’s covenant and faithfulness, inspiring Noahides to trust in divine promises. Moreover, the equitable distribution of land among the tribes reflects the universal values…

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Can Noahide, who is a bastard, marry a female? Does a bastard have bad traits? Will he be a bad person, or can he be a good person?

Can Noahide, who is a bastard, marry a female? Does a bastard have bad traits? Will he be a bad person, or can he be a good person?

A bastard is defined as a child born from prohibited relationships. Specifically, this term applies to a child born from an adulterous relationship. The primary relationships that result in a bastard are those between a married woman and a man who is not her husband. Close relatives whose union is explicitly forbidden by the Torah, such as a man, his sister, or his mother In the Babylonian Talmud, it is stated by the sages that even a Jewish bastard who…

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Balak- Transforming Bad into Good

Balak- Transforming Bad into Good

Based on the proverb “The name of the wicked will rot,” the Sages advised against naming a child after an evil person to avoid perpetuating their name. This raises a significant question about our Parsha, which is named after the wicked Balak. Balak hated Israel more than any other enemy. How can a Torah portion be named after such a wicked person? Balak represents a disconnection from holiness, yet he was a great sage who understood the lineage of the…

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