Chabad tokyo japan Blog חדשות מבית חב״ד טוקיו יפן

Shlach: The  Power of Positivity

Shlach: The  Power of Positivity

In this Torah portion, Shlach, we can see the power of speech and the evil tongue, especially regarding the land of Israel.  Moses instructed the twelve leaders, one from each tribe, to explore the land and assess its quality, inhabitants, and fortifications. The spies found the land fertile and abundant with milk and honey. They brought back large clusters of grapes as evidence of their richness. However, most of the spies also reported big challenges. They mentioned that the inhabitants were…

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The Presence of Bnei Noah During the Temple Period

The Presence of Bnei Noah During the Temple Period

Some sources reveal the presence of non-Jews who observed the Seven Laws of Noah, during the Temple period in Jerusalem. These individuals, called Ger Toshav, lived peacefully alongside the Jewish community and upheld these 7 universal principles. The term Ger Toshav is established by the story of King David purchasing the Temple Mount in Jerusalem from Araunah the Jebusite (2 Samuel 24). Further confirmation comes from the Babylonian Talmud (Avoda Zara 24b), where Rav Nachman identifies Araunah as a Ger…

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Naso-Oaths and Vows

Naso-Oaths and Vows

The Torah portion of Naso deals with the laws concerning oaths and vows. The underlying principle of truthfulness in oaths connects to the broader Noahide prohibition against blasphemy.The prohibition of swearing falsely is discussed in this portion, (Numbers 5:5–10), describing the laws of a person who swears falsely or acts deceitfully. The Noahide prohibition against blasphemy is connected to respecting the name of G-d (Maimonides Kings 9:1) and personal truthfulness. This is rooted in the teachings of the Seven Laws…

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Accepting the Torah with Renewed Vitality

Accepting the Torah with Renewed Vitality

Shavuot is a specifically Jewish holiday that commemorates the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai. Preparing for the giving of the Torah also relates to the seven Noahide laws that were given on Mount Sinai. The giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai is a central event in Judaism, and, as such, this one-time event holds meaning for other nations. While the Torah itself outlines the 613 commandments specifically for the Jewish people, the Matan Torah connects all mankind…

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Is capital punishment by a Noahide court rectification for the individual?

Is capital punishment by a Noahide court rectification for the individual?

The answer is yes because it rectifies his soul and serves as an atonement, but as we have limited understanding and do not see the whole picture, it might be hard to see this truth. Basically, sinning is like drilling a hole in a watertight boat. Being too forgiving to sinners means being cruel to innocent people who will suffer from those sinners.  This is one of the reasons why there is capital punishment in the Noahide code and the…

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