Jewish Community Chabad Japan – Tokyo חבד טוקיו יפן הקהילה היהודית

Jewish Community Chabad Japan – Tokyo חבד טוקיו יפן הקהילה היהודית

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Sukkot / Simchat Torah 2024 Chabad Tokyo


Welcome to Chabad House of Japan!

בית חב״ד טוקיו יפן הסניף המרכזי

בהנהלת הרב בנימין יחזקאל אדרעי הרב הראשי ליפן
Chabad Tokyo-Japan, Jewish Center

The first permanent Chabad House in the land of the rising sun.

The Chabad Tokyo Japan is a spiritual lighthouse for Jews and non-Jews located in Omori, on the JR Keihin-Tohoku line running through Tokyo and Shinagawa Stations. We support Shabbat and Holidays with lively gatherings and erudite wisdom from Rabbi Binyomin Edery, a Chabad Lubavitch rabbi and the chief rabbi of Japan, who founded Chabad House of Japan with the direct approval and blessing of the Rebbe, the leader of the Chabad Lubavitch group. Rabbi Binyomin lived in Tokyo with his wife Efrat Edery since 1999. Their long stay in Japan has led to many humorous and harrowing stories on what it’s like to be a Hassidic Rabbi in Tokyo. The Japan Times ran an interesting article about Chabad Tokyo and what is like to live as a Rabbi in Japan.

Whether you’re traveling through, or making Japan your home, we hope you will join us for good kosher food and spiritual times. People who come often find Chabad Japan to be a spiritual refuge right in the middle of Tokyo.

Our  kosher kitchen caters meals on request. Catering capacity is  limited so please contact us in advance.

Please visit our Kosher Japan restaurant website, and we will send you a menu by email.

Phone: 03 3772 7707

Mobile: 090 3683 7707

Out of Japan*: 1-212-561-59-69  Current time in Tokyo.

Address: 1-25-21, Sanno, Ota-ku, Tokyo 143-0023, JAPAN

7 Noahide laws

The Talmud, the Jewish holy teaching, says that even before the Jewish nation was founded, the Creator showed all mankind the path of good and evil. Since all humans are descendants of Noah, the seven major commandments are called “Seven Laws of Noah,” which refers to the system of good and evil common to all humankind. (More details)

הרבי מלובביץ'

יחי אדוננו מורינו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד