Do miracles occur in the natural world?
Rockets have been fired into Israel’s territory many times, but thankfully, few people have been injured. Israel’s enemies, on the other hand, suffered heavy losses as a result of these rockets. These are undoubtedly miracles that demonstrate the extent of heavenly watchfulness over Israel’s land. The Torah (Deuteronomy 11:25) claims that G-d miraculously protects the land of Israel.
Natural miracles are superior to supernatural miracles because they have a higher spiritual foundation and originate from the Creator’s power, which unites nature and miracles, two seemingly incompatible things. The first commandment of Bnei Noah is the recognition that there is a single creator of the world who is taking care of every one of us and fulfilling his promises as given in the Torah.
The recognition of the divine supervision that surrounds us is part of the commandments given to Noahides and can strengthen our faith in the fulfillment of the divine promises to those who keep the seven commandments. The land of Israel is the safest place on earth as it is permanently watched by divine providence. Therefore it is only a matter of time before we see the hand of G-d and a huge winning of the war between the chosen people and the most evil forces on earth.
Our sages say that when you see wars on a global scale this is a sign that Moshiach is about to reveal. It is brought (Psalms 2:1): “Why have nations gathered and why do kingdoms think vain things? Kings of a land stand up, and take counsel together against the Lord and against His Moshiach?” All these are clear signs that we are on the verge of final redemption where the evil of the world will be eliminated and the final battle against Amalek, the greatest irrational anti-Semite throughout the generations will come to an end by his total destruction.
*This is from a series of articles by Rabbi Bernstein Moshe.