Discovering Judaism by Tokyo High School Students

Discovering Judaism by Tokyo High School Students

Rabbi Aldrich Teaching Tokyo High School Students at Chabad Japan


Chabad of Japan often organizes learning sessions and classes for local high schools and university students interested in Judaism, its philosophy and way of life.

One of the international schools located in Tokyo contacted Rabbi Edery and asked if students could come and ask questions about Judaism. This week, students arrived at the Chabad House and were warmly welcomed. Rabbi Dr. Daniel Aldrich thoroughly explained, in his unique way, the fundamentals of Judaism and what stands behind our practice and beliefs. It was a real eye opener for these young people, and they were enthralled. Their goal was not to become Jewish but rather to learn morals and values from the Jewish way of life to apply it to their own.

We would like to thank Rabbi Aldrich for his time and patience and for sanctifying G-d’s name in such a pleasant way. A seed planted goes very far.

Class at Chabad Tokyo for Tokyo High School Students about Judaism

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