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Category: Upcoming Events

Special Lecture for Japanese Speakers

Special Lecture for Japanese Speakers

Join us this Thursday for a special lecture  and refreshments

In the evening of Kislev, 19th (2013/11/21), 7:00p.m.
Japanese Farbrengen at Chabad House, Tokyo,
Special lecture on "Heart of Judaism,Love of Hasidism and the beginning of the Chabad", by Dr. Jacob Yuroh Teshima
Moshiach’s Bar Mitzvah

Moshiach’s Bar Mitzvah

With gratitude to Hashem, all are welcome to joining the Bar Mitzvah of our son, Moshiach,

G-d willing on Tuesday evening, September 10th, 2013 at 9:30 pm, at 770 World Lubavitch Headquarters.

Please email us, to let us know that you are coming.

May we share only simchas, and may we celebrate even beforehand the coming of our righteous redeemer in the Third Temple.

Rosh Hashana 5774- 2013

Rosh Hashana 5774- 2013

Join us this Rosh Hashana

Wednesday evening, September 4th, 2013

at  6:00 pm 

at Luz Omori, 4th floor

First day Rosh Hashana, Thursday, September 5th, 2013 at Chabad House

Morning services at 10:00 am followed by festive holiday meal.
Evening services at 7:00 pm followed by holiday meal

Second day Rosh Hashana, Friday, September 6th, 2013 at Chabad House

Morning services at 10:00 am followed by festive holiday meal

Evening services will be regular Shabbat services at 7:00 pm.

Every person is welcome to contribute toward the High Holidays expenses. 

Shavuot Festival at Chabad Japan

Shavuot Festival at Chabad Japan

Join us this coming Shavuot Holiday

Torah at Mount Sinai

Shavuot eve.,  Tuesday, May 14th, services at 7:00 pm, followed by festive holiday meal

First day Shavuot, Wednesday, May 15th,

morning services at 10: 00 am, 

reading of the Ten Commandments at 11:00 am

Festive Dairy Holiday meal with Blintzes and other Shavuot delicacies at noon.

Shavuot Cheese Blintzes

Evening services, at  7:00 pm, followed by Holiday Dinner

Second day Shavuot, Thursday, May 16th

Morning services at 10:00 am, followed by Festive Holiday lunch


Lag Baomer Chabad Japan 2013

Lag Baomer Chabad Japan 2013

You are invited to a Grand Lag Baomer Celebration in honor of 

the great Sage Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai

On Sunday, April 28, 2013

Details will be published shortly.

Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai promised that one who celebrates his day of passing,

will merit great blessings in on’es life. Lag Baomer is known as a day of miracles for many people.