Chabad tokyo japan Blog חדשות מבית חב״ד טוקיו יפן

A city could be saved by following the seven laws of Noah.

A city could be saved by following the seven laws of Noah.

In this week’s Parsha Vayeira, we learn about the inhabitants of Sodom and its neighbors who were destroyed because they became very wicked. The Torah states that they were “wicked and sinful against G-d, very much”. However, the wickedness of Sodom and its neighbors was a misguided overreaction to Noah’s flood. The flood generation was wiped out mainly because they practiced and allowed themselves robbery – taking one person’s property by force. The residents of Sodom, who were aware of…

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Do miracles occur in the natural world?

Do miracles occur in the natural world?

Rockets have been fired into Israel’s territory many times, but thankfully, few people have been injured. Israel’s enemies, on the other hand, suffered heavy losses as a result of these rockets. These are undoubtedly miracles that demonstrate the extent of heavenly watchfulness over Israel’s land. The Torah (Deuteronomy 11:25) claims that G-d miraculously protects the land of Israel. Natural miracles are superior to supernatural miracles because they have a higher spiritual foundation and originate from the Creator’s power, which unites…

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The test of the mind – Lech-Lecha

The test of the mind – Lech-Lecha

Abraham’s life was a series of tests, and he passed all of them. The tractate Avot states that “Abraham our father was tested in ten tests.” These tests offer an opportunity for people to achieve the impossible and grow into something greater than their usual nature. Abraham’s test allowed him to break through the constraints of his personality and traits and become something he never thought possible. His story represents the story of each and every one of us. Every…

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Lech Lecha-the Liberation of captives

Lech Lecha-the Liberation of captives

In this Torah portion, Lech Lecha we can learn a lesson of how to release captives from evil forces. G‑d commanded Abram to leave his father’s house and homeland, and travel to the land of Israel. G‑d promised to make Abram the patriarch of a great nation. Once Abram arrived in the land of Israel, G‑d informed him that He would eventually give that land to his descendants. However, a severe famine interrupted Abram’s journey, compelling him to seek refuge…

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The Shelter for Safety: The Seven Noahide Laws

The Shelter for Safety: The Seven Noahide Laws

The Seven Noahide Laws provide a source of guidance and relief in times of anxiety. In times of anxiety, it is typical to seek solace in faith and spirituality. The 7 Noahide laws have been given by G-d to Noah after the flood. These laws are the foundation of human civilization. While the 7 Noahide laws do not explicitly address anxiety, they can provide a framework for leading a meaningful and fulfilling life. This means acknowledging the existence of G-d…

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